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Missional Food Pantries: Testimonies and Visitations

We have a testimony from a past missional food pantry recipient and lots of pictures covering our regular missional food pantry visitations, made to encourage new and start-up missional food pantries who have graduated from the FHL Community Missional Food Pantry Training School.

Testimonial from Indy Vineyard Missional Food Pantry

Here is a truly inspirational story from this month’s (missional) pantry. About a year ago, a mother walked into our (missional) food pantry. She was staying at a women’s shelter and had two small children with her. Mary prayed for her and they made an instant connection. She accepted the Lord that night. Mary continued to pray, called her on follow-ups, and made sure she was surrounded with the Lord’s love. Today she has her own place, she is doing well, and to give back her and her kids came to the IVMFP tonight. Her kids helped in the fulfillment center and did an amazing job helping everyone. The youngest a young man about 6 years old prayed us out. He did a perfect job reciting the Lord’s Prayer, which humbled so many of us at that moment. It was very special, and a true testament to the Lord’s Power and Grace.

Cheering them on: FHL Missional Food Pantry Network

From Lydia L. Davis, FHL Missional Food Pantry Coordinator, we have the following report on our visitations to network of missional food pantries.

“We love visiting our [FHL] network Missional Food Pantries to cheer them on. Donna, Bill, and I checked in on “Rebuilding the Village” MFP at Nu Corinthian Baptist Church- nucbc tonight who will celebrate one year next month. They open every 3rd Wednesday, 6-7:30pm.”

tchinerlOistMissional Food Pantries: Testimonies and Visitations

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